Elvis Aaron Presley (1935 – 1977) related ancestral blog articles


Fab Pedigree


Dardanus of Arcadia, First King of Dardania & Scythia (1519 – 1414 BC) 5GGF

Brutus of Troy (1150 – 1091 BC) 1st King of Britons, Eponymic Founder of Britain 3GGF

Romulus, Founder and 1st King of Rome (753 – 715 BC) GGF

Conan Meriadoc ap Gereint (305 – 367) King of Dumnonia, 1st Duke of Brittany 4GGF

Conan I “The Crooked” de Rennes, Duke of Brittany (944 – 1027) 5GGF

Alan Rufus, 1st Earl of Honour of Richmond (1026 – 1089) 2GGF

Guéthénoc, 1st vicomte of Porhoët, Rohan and Guéméné (990 – 1040) 4GGF

Richard I FitzAlan (1313 – 1376) 10th Earl of Arundel, Admiral of the West 2GGF

Sir Henry II Greene, 7th Lord of Boketon (1353 – 1399) Member of Parliament 7-20

Henri II de Rohan (1579 – 1638) duc de Rohan, Huguenot Leader, Author 3-14

Robert II Stewart (1316 – 1390) 1st House of Stewart King of Scotland 3GGF

Mary I Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542 – 1587) 4-14

James II & VII Stuart, KG (1633 – 1701) King of England  9-11

Constantine the Great I (279 – 337) First Christian Emperor of Rome, Saint 6GGF

Gwrtheyrn Vortigern (370 – 460), King of Britons GGF

Cunobelinus or Cymbeline, 1st Pendragon, King of Briton (25 BC – 41 AD)

Arthwyr Pendragon (480 – 537) King of Camelot GGU

Tewdwr Mawr “The Great”, King of South Wales (1015 – 1089) 4GGF

Owain Glyndŵr, Lord of Glyndyfrdwy (1353 – 1415) “Prince of Wales” 6-17

Sir William Wallace (1272 – 1305) National Hero of Scotland 2-22

Lludd Llaw Eraint ap Beli Mawr, King of Britona (80- 18 BC) founder of City of London (Ludgate) 10GGF

Llywelyn the Great (1172 – 1240) Welsh Prince 2GGF

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth (1599 – 1658) 2-10

Sir Isaac Newton, FRS (1643 – 1728) Father of Calculus and Physics 7-7

Elizabeth I Tudor, Queen of England & Ireland (1533 – 1603) 2-12

Henry VIII Tudor (1491 – 1547) King of England and Ireland 5-14

Boudica “Victoria” (died cerca 60 AD) Warrior Queen of Iceni 6GGM

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Emperor of Rome (10 BC – 54 AD) 5GGF

Marcus Antonius, General, Triumvir of the Roman Republic (83 – 30 BC) 3GGF

Augustus, Gaius Julius Octavianus, 1st Emperor of Rome (63 – 14 BC) 4GGF

Gaius Julius Caesar (100 – 44 BC) General, Consul, 1st Dictator of Rome 3GGF

Solomon ben David, King of Israel & Israel (1033 – 975 BCE) 2GGF


Aubrey II de Vere, Baron of Oxford (1062 – 1141) Chamberlain 10GGF

Edward VII de Vere, Earl of Oxford (1550 – 1604) “Shakespeare” 3-11


Sigge “Odin” Fridulfsson of Asgard (50 BC – 30 AD) 1st King of Scandinavia 7GGF

Cerdic Gewissae of Wessex, 1st King of West Saxons (470 – 534) 4GGF

Icel of Angel, 1st Iclingas King of Mercia (455 – 501) 6GGF

Hengest Wihtgilsson von Sachsen, 1st Jute King of Kent (414 – 488) 2GGF

St Aethelberht I (552 – 615) King of Kent, 1st English Christian King 3GGF

Elfhere Scylding “Beowulf”, King of Geatland (526 – 620) 

Alfred The Great (849 – 899) 3rd King of England 12GGF

Rurik, Grand Prince of Novgorod, 1st Tsar of Russia (830 – 879) Primogenitor of Rurikid dynasty 8GGF

Ivan IV “The Terrible” Vasilyevich (1530 – 1584) Tsar of All Russia 13-4

Vladimir I Svyatoslavich (ca. 950 – 1015) Ruler of Kievan Rus 2GGF

Catharine II “the Great” Romanov, Tsarina and Empress of All Russia (1729 – 1796) 15-8

Arminius “The Great” (17 BC – 21 AD) Prince of Teutons 4GGF


Redbad “The Pagan”, 9th King of Frieseland (670 – 719) 2GGF


Clovis I Meroving (466 – 511) 1st King of Franks, 1st Christian Ruler of Gaul, Primogenitor of the Monarchy of France 7GGF

Charlemagne (742 – 814) King of Franks and Lombards 8GGF

Hugh Capet (939 – 996) 1st “King of the Franks” 4GGF

Francis I de Valois, King of France (1494 – 1547) 4-16

Louis XIV de Bourbon (1638 – 1715) King of France and Navarre 11-11

Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov, KG, Tsar of Russia (1868 – 1918) 16-4

Saint Arnulf of Metz (582 – 640) Bishop of Metz, Patron Saint of Brewers 3GGF

Tonantius Ferreolus (418 – 476) Roman Praetorian Prefect of Gaul 6GGF


Hroðgar Halfdansson (526 – 620) King of Denmark 3GGF

Ragnarr “Loðbrók” Halfdansson (c. 765 – 845) King of Denmark & Sweden 6GGF

Harald “Fair Hair” Halfdansson, 1st King of Norway (859 – 935)

Roger de Montgomerie, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (1018 – 1094) 3GGF

Henri de Beaumont (1047 – 1119) Earl of Warwick GGF

William d’Aubigny, Earl of Albemarle (died 1139) Pincerna Regis 4GGF

Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood, Vice-Admiral (1748 – 1818) 7-8

Alexander Hamilton (1755 – 1804) 1st Secretary of United States Treasury 4-16

Bernard Law Montgomery KG (1887 – 1976) British Army Field Marshal 16-4


Ganger Hrólf “Rollo” (860 – 930) 1st Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen 10GGF

William The Conqueror (1028 – 1087) 1st Norman King of England 7GGF

Henri de Saint Clair, Baron of Rosslyn (1074 – 1110) 2GGF

Richard “Strongbow” de Clare, Earl of Pembroke (1130 – 1176) Justiciar of Ireland 3GGF

Sir William le Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke (1146 – 1219) 6GGF

George Catlett Marshall, KB (1880 – 1959) 1st Five-Star General 8-6

John Marshall, 4th U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice (1755 – 1835) 5-7

Sveidi ‘the Sea King’ Heytirsson (650 – 710) 4GGF

Robert “Guiscard” de Hauteville, Duke of Apulia and Calabria (1015 – 1085) GGU

Reverend John Rogers (c. 1500 – 1555) Author of “Thomas Matthew” Bible GGF

Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland (1274 – 1329) 2GGF

Thorfinn “the Black”, 18th Jarl of Orkney (1009 – 1064) 2GGF

William V (VI) “Black Will” de Braose, Baron Abergavenny (1200 – 1230)

Sir Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) Romantic Novelist, Poet, Playwright 14-6

Collins (Kollson) Agnatic Norse Lineage (650 – present)

Somerled MacGillebride (1113 – 1164) King of the Sudreys, Lord of Argyll GGF

Edward Collins (1603 – 1689) 1st Deacon of Congregational Church of Cambridge GGU YDNA

Anchetil de Greye, Primogenitor of Noble House of Grey (1052 – 1087) 2GGF

Reginald de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Wilton (1235 – 1308) Eponymic Founder of Gray’s Inn 1-23

Charles II Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, KG, PC (1764 – 1845) British Prime Minister 13-5



William d’Aubigny, Earl of Albemarle (died 1139) Pincerna Regis 4GGF


Hroðgar Halfdansson (526 – 620) King of Denmark 3GGF

Ragnarr “Loðbrók” Halfdansson (c. 765 – 845) King of Denmark & Sweden 6GGF

Harald “Fair Hair” Halfdansson, 1st King of Norway (859 – 935)

Roger de Montgomerie, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (1018 – 1094) 3GGF

Henri de Beaumont (1047 – 1119) Earl of Warwick GGF

William d’Aubigny, Earl of Albemarle (died 1139) Pincerna Regis 4GGF

Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood, Vice-Admiral (1748 – 1818) 7-8

Alexander Hamilton (1755 – 1804) 1st Secretary of United States Treasury 4-16

Bernard Law Montgomery KG (1887 – 1976) British Army Field Marshal 16-4


Galamh mac Bile “Míl Espáine” (1853 – 1806 BC) Father of the Irish Race 6GGF

Niall Mor Noígíallach of the Nine Hostages (380 – 454) 5GGF

Columba Cilla of Iona, Apostle-Saint (521 – 597) founder of Iona Abbey 2GGU

Crínán of Atholl (980 – 1045) Primogenitor of Dunkeld Dynasty  5GGF

Brian Boru (941 – 1014) Founder of the O’Brien Dynasty 4GGF

Malcolm II MacAlpin, 15th King of Scots (954 – 1034) GGF

Mac Bethad mac Findlaích (ca. 1031 – 1057) King of Scotland “MacBeth”  3GGF

Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, KB (1758 – 1805) Vice-Admiral of the White 12-3

General George Washington (1732 – 1799) 1st U.S. President 6-9

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917 – 1963) 35th U.S President 16-1

Solomon ben David, King of Israel & Judah (1033 – 975 BCE) 2GGF


Hereward the Wake (1040 – 1072) Famous Norman Rule Rebel 3GGF

Sir John Howard, Duke of Norfolk. KG (1421 – 1485) Earl Marshal, Lord Admiral 3GGF

Charles Howard, KG, PC (1536 – 1624) Admiral of the English Fleet GGU

Francis Howard, 5th Baron Howard of Effingham, Crown Governor of Virginia (1643 – 1694) 3-10

Union Army Major General Oliver Otis Howard (1830 – 1909) Medal of Honor recipient, Founder of Howard University


Henry II Plantagenet (1133 – 1189) 1st Plantagenet King of England 5GGF

Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122 – 1204) Queen Consort of France and England 3GGM

Edward III Plantagenet (1312-1377) King of England 2-20

Henry V Lancaster, King of England (1387 – 1422) 2-17


Sir Thomas de Holland, KG (1314 – 1360) 1st Baron Holand 2-22