Capt. Meriwether Lewis (1774 – 1809) 2nd Governor of the Missouri Territory, Leader of the Lewis-Clark Expedition (1803 – 1806)

Agnatic Ancestors Index

Direct paternal (non-agnatic) ancestors (short list):

Alfred The Great (849 – 899) 3rd King of England 12GGF agnatic 22,35

Henri de Beaumont (1047 – 1119) Earl of Warwick GGF agnatic 33, 24

Conan Meriadoc ap Gereint (305 – 367) King of Dumnonia, 1st Duke of Brittany 4GGF agnatic 9, 1

Crínán of Atholl (980 – 1045) Primogenitor of Dunkeld Dynasty  5GGF agnatic 34

Anchetil de Greye, Primogenitor of Noble House of Grey (1052 – 1087) 2GGF agnatic

Sir John Howard, Duke of Norfolk. KG (1421 – 1485) Earl Marshal, Lord Admiral 3GGF agnatic 53

Ganger Hrólf “Rollo” (860 – 930) 1st Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen 10GGF agnatic 45 YDNA

Guéthénoc, 1st vicomte of Porhoët, Rohan and Guéméné (990 – 1040) 4GGF agnatic 40, 16

Sir Thomas de Holland, KG (1314 – 1360) 1st Baron Holand 2-22 agnatic 39

Lludd Llaw Eraint ap Beli Mawr, King of Britons (80 BC – 18 BC) 7GGF agnatic 9

Clovis I Meroving (466 – 511) 1st King of Franks, 1st Christian Ruler of Gaul, Primogenitor of the Monarchy of France 7GGF agnatic

Roger de Montgomerie, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (1018 – 1094) 3 GGF agnatic 24

Arthwyr Pendragon (480 – 537) King of Camelot GGU agnatic 1, 9, 16

Henry II Plantagenet (1133 – 1189) 1st Plantagenet King of England  5GGF agnatic

Henry de St Clair – Sinclair, 7th Earl of Rosslyn (1255 – 1336) GGU agnatic 19

Robert II Stewart (1316 – 1390) 1st House of Stewart King of Scotland 3GGF agnatic 16, 9, 1

Aubrey II de Vere, Baron of Oxford (1062 – 1141) Chamberlain 10GGF agnatic




Related blog article:

Capt. William Clark (1770 – 1833) 4th Governor of the Missouri Territory, Leader of the Lewis-Clark Expedition

Sacagawea “Bird Woman” Charbonneau (1788 – 1812) Lead guide and interpreter of the Louis & Clark Expedition

Norse-Norman-Anglo-Saxon Ancestors

Sacagawea “Bird Woman” Charbonneau (1788 – 1812) Lead guide and interpreter of the Louis & Clark Expedition

French-Canadian fur trader Toussaint Charbonneau (1767 – 1843) won Sacajawea in a card game. She later gave birth to her first child Jean Baptiste “Pomp” (1805 – 1866) around the time before Meriwether Lewis (1774 – 1809) and William Clark (1770 – 1833) visited where the couple resided in upper Missouri River region, near present-day Bismarck, North Dakota, in 1804. They hired Toussaint to act as the expedition’s interpreter and guide, mainly because Sacajawea was fluent in Hidatsa and Shoshone languages whereas he wasn’t.

Of all her contributions to the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1803 – 1806), perhaps none was more important than her mere presence with the European group of men. In point of fact, the native American tribes they encountered along the way regarded the expedition as essentially “friendly” because of her amicable nature. As a result, they enjoyed safe passage during their two year journey to the Pacific Ocean.

Toussaint Charbonneau was the great-great-grand grandson of the sister of Jacques de Noyon (1668 – 1745). He was the first man of European descent to explore the Boundary Waters region west of Lake Superior as a fur trader After Sacagawea’s death, Toussaint resumed his metier in the trade, leaving his son behind with Capt. Clark who raised him in St. Louis.

She carried her son on her back during the entire trek. He would later carry the burden of her celebrity and fame for the rest of his life. When he was eighteen, he befriended German explorer Duke Paul Wilhelm of Württemberg (1797 – 1860) who later took him to Europe. He spent six years there living amongst royalty while learning four languages. He fathered a son in Germany who died three months after his birth.

Sacajawea holds a special place in American history. There are dozens of memorials and sculptures commemorating her life located throughout America, especially in the northern tier of the country. Her memorials include:

-Sacagawea River
-Lake Sakakawea
-USS Sacagawea, one of several United States ships named in her honor
-Sacagawea dollar
-Mount Sacagawea, Fremont County, Wyoming, and the associated Sacagawea Glacier
-Sacajawea Peak, Wallowa County, Oregon
-Sacagawea Peak, Gallatin County, Montana
-Sacagawea Peak, Custer County, Idaho
-Sacajawea Patera, a caldera on Venus

Several films and documentaries have been made about her extraordinary, but tragically short life.

Related blog articles:

Étienne Brûlé (1590 – 1633) 1st explorer of Great Lakes GGF

Jacques-Jacob Bourgeois (1620 – 1701) Father of Battlefield Surgery GGF

Col. Daniel Boone (1734 – 1829) American Revolutionary War Officer 13-4 agnatic 55

Christopher Columbus, a.k.a. Prince Segismundo Jogaila (1451 – 1506) 12-17 agnatic 42,35

17 King’s Daughters (“filles du roi”) 87 Founding Fathers of Québec – Maternal Ancestors

Sacajawea “Bird Woman” Charbonneau

BIRTH 1784 in Shoshone, Idaho

DEATH 09 APRIL 1884 IN Fort Washaki, Wyoming

wife of 4th cousin 5x removed CHARBONNEAU-GARNIER-GIROUX-MERON-BRULE


Genealogy of Canada 





The Journals of Lewis and Clark

The Essential Lewis and Clark

Interpreters with Lewis and Clark: The Story of Sacagawea and Toussaint Charbonneau

Sacagawea’s Child: The Life and Times of Jean-Baptiste (Pomp) Charbonneau

YouTube videos

Toussaint Charbonneau

Jean Baptiste Charbonneau


Lewis & Clark Expedition

Capt. William Clark (1770 – 1833) 4th Governor of the Missouri Territory, Leader of the Lewis-Clark Expedition

Agnatic Ancestors Index

Direct paternal (non-agnatic) ancestors (short list):

Alfred The Great (849 – 899) 3rd King of England 12GGF agnatic 22,35

Hugues de Beauchamp, Sheriff of Buckinghamshire (1040 – 1114) GGF

Conan Meriadoc ap Gereint (305 – 367) King of Dumnonia, 1st Duke of Brittany 4GGF agnatic 9, 1

Crínán of Atholl (980 – 1045) Primogenitor of Dunkeld Dynasty  5GGF agnatic 34

Ragnarr “Loðbrók” Halfdansson (c. 765 – 845) King of Denmark & Sweden 6GGF agnatic

William Hastings, Steward to King Henry II (1130 – 1183) GGF

Sir Tihel I de Heron (1046 – 1090) GGF 3GGF agnatic 24

Robert “Guiscard” de Hauteville, Duke of Apulia and Calabria (1015 – 1085) GGU agnatic 45

Roger de Montgomerie, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (1018 – 1094) 3 GGF agnatic 24

Reverend John Rogers (c. 1500 – 1555) Author of “Thomas Matthew” Bible GGF agnatic

Ganger Hrólf “Rollo” (860 – 930) 1st Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen)

Rurik, Grand Prince of Novgorod, 1st Tsar of Russia (830 – 879) Primogenitor of Rurikid dynasty 8GGF agnatic 35

Robert II Stewart (1316 – 1390) 1st House of Stewart King of Scotland 3GGF agnatic 16, 9, 1

Sir William Wallace (1272 – 1305) National Hero of Scotland 2-22

William The Conqueror (1028 – 1087) 1st Norman King of England 7GGF agnatic 41, 45, 15

Related blog articles:

Capt. Meriwether Lewis (1774 – 1809) 2nd Governor of the Missouri Territory, Leader of the Lewis-Clark Expedition

Sacagawea “Bird Woman” Charbonneau (1788 – 1812) Lead guide and interpreter of the Louis & Clark Expedition

Norse-Norman-Anglo-Saxon Ancestors


