Capt. Meriwether Lewis (1774 – 1809) 2nd Governor of the Missouri Territory, Leader of the Lewis-Clark Expedition (1803 – 1806)

Agnatic Ancestors Index

Direct paternal (non-agnatic) ancestors (short list):

Alfred The Great (849 – 899) 3rd King of England 12GGF agnatic 22,35

Henri de Beaumont (1047 – 1119) Earl of Warwick GGF agnatic 33, 24

Conan Meriadoc ap Gereint (305 – 367) King of Dumnonia, 1st Duke of Brittany 4GGF agnatic 9, 1

Crínán of Atholl (980 – 1045) Primogenitor of Dunkeld Dynasty  5GGF agnatic 34

Anchetil de Greye, Primogenitor of Noble House of Grey (1052 – 1087) 2GGF agnatic

Sir John Howard, Duke of Norfolk. KG (1421 – 1485) Earl Marshal, Lord Admiral 3GGF agnatic 53

Ganger Hrólf “Rollo” (860 – 930) 1st Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen 10GGF agnatic 45 YDNA

Guéthénoc, 1st vicomte of Porhoët, Rohan and Guéméné (990 – 1040) 4GGF agnatic 40, 16

Sir Thomas de Holland, KG (1314 – 1360) 1st Baron Holand 2-22 agnatic 39

Lludd Llaw Eraint ap Beli Mawr, King of Britons (80 BC – 18 BC) 7GGF agnatic 9

Clovis I Meroving (466 – 511) 1st King of Franks, 1st Christian Ruler of Gaul, Primogenitor of the Monarchy of France 7GGF agnatic

Roger de Montgomerie, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (1018 – 1094) 3 GGF agnatic 24

Arthwyr Pendragon (480 – 537) King of Camelot GGU agnatic 1, 9, 16

Henry II Plantagenet (1133 – 1189) 1st Plantagenet King of England  5GGF agnatic

Henry de St Clair – Sinclair, 7th Earl of Rosslyn (1255 – 1336) GGU agnatic 19

Robert II Stewart (1316 – 1390) 1st House of Stewart King of Scotland 3GGF agnatic 16, 9, 1

Aubrey II de Vere, Baron of Oxford (1062 – 1141) Chamberlain 10GGF agnatic




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Capt. William Clark (1770 – 1833) 4th Governor of the Missouri Territory, Leader of the Lewis-Clark Expedition

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Norse-Norman-Anglo-Saxon Ancestors

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